How to Create a Spoof Music Video


Last month, my crazy diva travel buddy asked my help in creating a one-of-a-kind music video for a monthly blog carnival that our Pinoy Travel Blogger Group hosts. It so happened that this travel diva was ‘forced’ beyond his knowledge to host that carnival. 😆 With nothing better to do, he accepted the challenge. Soon enough his brain cells started sending electrifying wavelengths on his hairless backbones. If I didn’t know him better, I would have assumed that Emily Rose possessed his body after I received a random message from him in FB. Why do I say this? He suddenly sent me gibberish language which took time for my peanut-sized brain to decipher. Take a look!

Rihanna – Diamonds
Storyline: one unfortunate employee slash travel blogger finds himself in a series of unfortunate events. In the end, he shines like a diamond as a diva traveler and overcame all adversities. SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND!
The opening sequence will be imitated as much as possible to give a “feel” of the Diamond official video
Opening few seconds, 0:00-0:03 – black and white, hand clawing on sand, close-up shot. Camera steady, sometimes panning sideways.
0:04-0:06 – full color, partial head shot floating on the sea with partial body seen if possible; angle: a bit above level of the actor, the actor floats and the camera hand held with normal swings.
0:07-0:09 – more sand clawing
0:10-0:12 – sand placed inside a roll of cigarette; black and white, camera steady.
0:13-0:15 – on the bus, head down, angle: level to actor with backdrop the moving background, full color, camera full steady
0:16-0:20 – camera full steady, plane ticket with flight time and a digital clock with time (it’s already late)
0:21-0:38 – intersperse the three opening shots building on those different stories
0:39-0:48 – black and white, shot is level with collarbones of actor, only the head up to the collarbones are shot; the actor is half-naked
0:48- – (start of own plot)

Walking down the pathways, to the mall, to the CR, and found two women inside. Gets out and recheck the sign, it says Men, gets back again, and notices that the “women” were transvestites.

1st refrain – on the bus, dreamt of work, but woke up and did first chorus while walking
Possible shot locations (entire shot location should have at least 2 takes with the full length of the song, and one rotating view around the actor)

Osmeña Peak – silhouette shots with the sun at the back of the actor; rotating around the actor with flapping towel or cloth or something shots

Basdaku – sand clawing scene, underwater shots, rotating around the actor shots
Inside a moving bus – waking up scene, rotating around the actor shots; the actor walks inside the bus; take another shot of a leaving bus

Inside an office – the actor gives a presentation to clients. First few seconds, focus on the actor doing the reporting, and then pan on the sleeping audience; some with mouths open, and one with a superimposed text “ngork”.

Materials needed:
• all cameras! If possible, two cameras per take with different angles.
• Mini-Speakers to play the diamonds song per take


I guess being assigned to host a blog carnival would send someone to the looney bin. Well not quite. This diva was just determined to give the best funniest, craziest, dumbest moments of all our travel peers, with him as the main star attraction.

So after planning on where to shoot the video, I willingly agreed to be dragged to the ends of the world different places in Cebu to create the music video.

I’d have to say that it was a fun experience. We filmed on 3 different locations – Camotes Island, Moalboal and Mactan Island. We would have wanted to include Osmena Peak but we ran out of time.

cliff jumping in Camotes Islanda Korean tourist with one of his failed cliff jumps…ouch!!!

One of the highlights of shooting this film was the funny cliff jumping sessions we did at the Buho Rock in Camotes Island where Koreans invaded the peaceful resort and made a fool of themselves before jumping off the cliff.

Then on our trip to Moalboal, one of our companions almost drowned because I asked him to try wearing fins while in the middle of the sea. The good thing was he didn’t panic. But the diva did! 😆

click the doodle to magnify 😆

See the ugly doodle on top? LOL. To my left, the diva was 150 meters away from me and to his left, 150 meters more was his almost drowning [graduating] friend (sorry jud kaayo Jim, di na mausab. hehehe). There was a fisherman 150 meters away from me on the other side. Jim was having a hard time swimming with the fins and he was struggling to keep afloat despite the not-so-huge waves. I call on to the diva to rescue Jim. But what did the diva do? He didn’t swim to help his friend. Instead he was screaming his lungs out saying “Fisherman! fisherman! Help us!” [no kidding. he really shouted those words! hahahaha]

Being in that situation was totally scary but in light of witnessing what just happened at that time, I couldn’t help but laugh while I swam harder with my barefoot feet just to help out Jim. The diva actually had a traumatizing experience while swimming in the waters of Kawasan Falls two years ago and I didn’t know that that incident left a negative imprint on his senses. I’m just happy that no humans nor animals were harmed in the production of this video…just almost. hehehe.

So what’s the point of this post? Nothing really. Just wanted to share the music video created by the awesomest travel diva, Lakbay Diva!

As for wanting to know how to create a spoof music video? Watch the video and I’m sure you’ll know what to do. Just be yourself. 😆

Travelers as Diamonds from Lakbay Diva on Vimeo. This music video is featured on the article: for the Pinoy Travel Blogger’s April Blog Carnival with theme of The Funniest, Silliest, and Dumbest travel moments.

P.S. This video was filmed using Olympus TG-1 and edited by Lakbay using Sony Vegas Pro. Osmena Peak clips were filmed last 2010 using a Canon IXUS 95IS. Location filmed at Kontiki Beach Club, Mactan, Cebu; White Beach Moalboal; Buho Rock and Santiago Bay in Camotes Island; and Ceres bus ride going to Moalboal.


  1. oh my gash i didn’t realize i made an outline na diay ato jud hahahahaha… and so kawawa those koreans lol.
    wa pa man mingtagam si jim, mingkuyog man nako’s kontiki hehehehehe


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