Miss Igorota Gave Me My First Cyber Postcard


miss iggy postcard

For today’s Postcard Sundays, I am featuring the very first postcard I received as a result of having my own blog, Miss Iggy.

Miss Iggy or Miss Igorota is the travelling mascot of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota. Inspired by the travelling gnome in the movie Amelie among other reasons, Miss Iggy has been all over the world and I simply envy her for that!  LOL

Miss Iggy is definitely one very lucky doll!

Straight from the Philippines, Cambodia, New Jersey, Austria, Ireland, Spain, UAE & Maryland, Miss Iggy is taking us by storm as she trots the world with her uber cool Igorota costume!

How I met Miss Iggy

While I was still a newbie to the blogging world and time was still on my side, I was constantly hopping from one blog to the other to check out what I need to learn and along the way, there were those blogs that caught my eyes. One of them was Miss Iggy’s site and I was hooked! Every now and then, I’d hear stories of where Miss Iggy’s gone to and what she has been up to and all I could say was “Wow! She’s really one lucky Igorota doll!”

How I got a postcard from Miss Iggy

If you visit Miss Iggy’s website, you will see a small note on the left sidebar asking you if you’d want to receive a Miss Igorota postcard from New Jersey. Upon seeing that magical note, my initial response was a resounding “YES!” So I sent my info and got a postcard after almost 2 months. I really thought it was lost in the mail but I guess I had to get used to the fact that it could take 2 months or more before I receive postcards from where I live and this sucks bigtime!

Postcards from Miss Igorota was the reason why I learned of Postcrossing. If not for her site, I would never have learned of the possibility of exchanging postcards from some random person on the other side of the globe.

To the Sisterhood of the Traveling Igorota, especially to conniechiwa, thank you so much! Send my regards to Miss Iggy!!!

Update: 07-19-2011

Postcard Origin: New Jersey, USA
Date received: March 2009

Stamp collected: USA Stamp
new jersey stamp

Up Next…I’ll show you the largest postcard I received 😉



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